"My Bosses Don’t Recognize My Talent Unless I Raise My Hand"
17/12/24 Edition Stephen Says Column

Raise a hand
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Dear Stephen,

I work for one of the major manufacturers. I started several years ago in outside sales. Over the years I have grown in my career from a sales rep to a regional manager and now I am an Area Vice President. I’ve grown from a pure sales role into a leadership role, and I consider myself smart, a strategic thinker, an excellent recruiter of salespeople, and a team builder. I’ve done all of this while never losing track of what’s most important, which is our customers. With whom I continue to maintain relationships.

The reason I’m writing is that although my career has grown in this company since starting in field sales, they never “tap” me for any of the promotions I’ve received. I always must raise my hand! Which really frustrates me…

It’s not my ego, I just feel confident in sharing with you that I am a leader, and ready for more responsibility. I also should add that I am a woman. Somehow, no one ever sees me as the type of individual who would want to grow my career in this organization, both professionally and financially. Why is that? I’m ambitious, I’m driven, and clearly, I’ve been successful.  

Ultimately, it is when I decide to ask my bosses is when I finally get a promotion. I’m beginning to feel like having to ask is not a good thing – and I’m wondering why I am not just naturally “tapped” like some of the other people at my company.

Why Do I Always Have To Raise My Hand?

Dear Hand Raiser,

This is a great question for all our readers and I’m sure you’re not the only one who experiences this feeling where they work. It happens to everyone. Salespeople, managers, all of us, never feel like we’re fully recognized by our bosses or our company and organically promoted to the next level.

The reason to me is a bit elusive, and sometimes it just comes down to luck. It could be it’s a matter of you being in the right place at the right time, or, in some way your bosses just decide that you’re the right person for the next level… Other times it can be as simple as the ‘next level’ job requires an MBA or some type of specific experience that you might not have. Some might say even gender can play a role. Just as often, it’s as simple as bosses playing favorites.

Here is a bit of Viscusi advice to everyone reading this – simply do not be offended if you need to ask for a promotion. That’s just how it goes. After all, you should be constantly selling yourself, and you are your own brand ambassador. If you are upset because you haven’t been tapped without having to express your own interest in promotion, you might just be too sensitive or overthinking what your bosses are thinking about. My advice is do not worry about it.
There is a cliché that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” This is something to keep in mind, part of “getting tapped” is being strategically in your boss’s mind for a promotion. It’s not just getting plucked out of your desk into your boss’s office. The bottom line is no matter where you are in your career, chances are you are the one who must make it happen for you to get to the next level.  Unless you are very lucky (and many people are!) 

Do not be naïve, and it is certainly no secret, that politics and favoritism can also play a role, so be keenly aware of that in your own organization. It is not always about “experience” or qualifications. If you feel your company promotes solely on favoritism or politics, then you’re in the wrong organization.

If you like where you work and you like your boss, there is no downside to being the one to simply ask for a promotion when there is an opening. If they say no too often, then it’s time to move on. Get the hint? Too many people do not get it. 

I’m certain there is another organization out there that will see your potential. And this, of course, is why The Viscusi Group should always have a copy of your up-to-date resume!
